Download MARC Records

For Lists in Released Status


This option allows you to download MARC records for all of the items on the list from a previously configured MARC record source.   The list must have a status of Released.


Download MARC Records

  1. On My Lists, or another list of lists, locate the desired list with a status of Released, click the drop-down list to the far right of that list, and select the Download MARC Records option (as shown below). 



  1. Click the rotating red arrow button and an OSA Download dialog displays as shown below. From the Profile drop-down list, select the Profile of the MARC Record Source you want to use.



  1. With the desired Profile name displayed in the drop-down box, click the Download button.  A File Download dialog displays, asking you to select Open this file from its current location, or Save this file to disk.  Unless otherwise instructed, click the Save this file to disk option button.  Then click the OK button.

  2. A Save As dialog displays.  Type a file name in the "file name" box, or accept the name automatically inserted.  Be sure to take note of the file name used as you will need it later.  Click Save.

  3. A Download complete dialog displays.  Click Close. These MARC records should now be available for searches and other functions.  


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