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Bestseller/Award Lists   
  • Carnegie Medal
  • Independent Booksellers
  • New York Times
  • Oprah's Book Club

  •   New York Times Bestseller List  
    Book Jacket
    The Wager (2024)

    David Grann

    $30.00   Hardcover   2024
    Author Notes  Chapter  Character Info  Review  Summary  Table of Contents  Video  
    Book Jacket
    True Gretch (2024)

    Gretchen Whitmer with Lisa Dickey

    Author Notes  Chapter  Character Info  Review  Summary  Table of Contents  Video  
    Book Jacket
    On Call (2024)

    Anthony S. Fauci

    $36.00   Hardcover   2024
    Author Notes  Chapter  Character Info  Review  Summary  Table of Contents  Video  
    Book Jacket
    The God Of The Woods (2024)

    Liz Moore

    $30.00   Hardcover   2024
    Author Notes  Chapter  Character Info  Review  Summary  Table of Contents  Video  

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