Add Received Items to a Packing Slip (Send to Packing Slip Complete)

Important! This option is only for libraries with separate Invoicing and Receiving.



Add Received Items to a Packing Slip

  1. Continuing from the Search for Items to Add to a Packing Slip step you should already be viewing a list items you want to add to the Packing Slip.  Return to the See the Search for Items to Add to a Packing Slip Help topic if you need assistance.

  2. On the Search Results for Items to Add to Packing Slip Number nnnnn screen (as shown in the example below) select the check box to the left of each item that you want to add to the Packing Slip (Note the UnCheck All and Check All links at the bottom-left of the item list).



If multiple copies of a title have been ordered, the Quantity Being Added column will provide options to select All X units or Partial Receive.

Partial Receipt of Items Ordered for a Title

If multiple items for the title have been ordered but you did NOT receive ALL of the items:

  1. Under Options for Checked Items select the desired option (as described below) from the drop-down list.  Then click the rotating arrow button to the right.


Add Items to Packing Slip: When the user selects this option, the checked items will be added to the Packing Slip.



Add Items to Packing Slip & Return to Packing Slip Summary: When the user selects this option the checked items will be added to the Packing Slip.


Complete Packing Slip: When the user selects this option, the checked items will be added to the Packing Slip and the Packing Slip will be completed.

The Packing Slip Completion screen will display the basic Packing Slip information and advise The Packing Slip is Now Complete.



Click the underlined Packing Slip number to view the Packing Slip Receipt with the option to View Line Items.

Proceed to Completed Shipments, or continue as desired.


About Completed Packing Slips - Completed Packing Slips are ready to begin the Invoicing process.