Library System

Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA) allows you to revise the Library System Headquarters information found on the Library System Information form, including customization of settings for the Information for Emailing Purchase Orders section of the form.


Two major functions are controlled at the system level:



Library System Information Form

Library System Information Form Fields Descriptions



    The following items are available for editing except as noted:

  • System Name

  • TLC Account ID# (not editable)

  • Integration Server IP (or text address such as:

  • Allow ordering for collections that are set to "Hide From Public" (applicable to Library•Solution users only)

  • Perform Searching and Duplicate Item Checking Across All Libraries

  • Distribute Special Charges from Electronic Invoices Across Funds

  • Invoicing / Receiving

    • Combined Invoicing and Receiving

    • Separate Invoicing and Receiving

  • Primary Contact

  • Address

  • City

  • State

  • Zip

  • Country

  • Phone

  • Fax

  • Library Type

  • Automation Vendor

    • Selection of certain vendors may cause the display of fields unique to that vendor, and not documented on this page. If that occurs for your selection, and you do not know the required information, please contact TLC Support.

  • Software Name/Version (not required)

  • Cataloging Source - Select the source of your cataloging records from the drop-down list.

  • Collection Size (# of volumes)

  • SAN (if known) - Type the seven-digit Standard Address Number assigned to you by the U.S. SAN Agency.

  • Information for Emailing Purchase Orders

    • PO Subject Line - Type the information you want to display as the Subject on Purchase Orders.

    • Senders Email Address - Type the email address you want to display as the originator (the Sender or From information) of the email.

    • Acknowledgement Subject Line - Type the words you want to display as the Subject of the email acknowledgements.

    • Email Acknowledgements to - Type the email address of the local staff member who should receive the acknowledgements selected below.

    • Email Acknowledgements for Email Purchase Orders - Select if you email your purchase orders.

    • Email Acknowledgements for FTP Purchase Orders - Select if you FTP your purchase orders.


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