Vendor Management - EDI Control

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is an electronic method of transferring formatted data between businesses.  EDI allows OSA to transmit your orders to the designated vendor.  Each vendor's configuration must be set up to include "vendor specific" information that allows for the transfer of the order information to the vendor.


Important: If you will be using the X12 option, before you begin be sure you have gathered all the required settings information you need.



About the Paper and Email Options



There are three options available via the EDI Control Ordering Protocol drop-down list, as shown below.  



Ordering Protocols






Note: The vendor being configured should provide the information required to complete these fields.



X12 Purchase Order Settings Information

Current Layout


X12 Legend

Note: The vendor being configured should provide the information required to complete the X12 Purchase Order Settings fields.



Current Setting Name



X12 Purchase Order Settings



Sender Code and Type (ISA) *


Sender Code (GS)  *


Receiver Code and Type (ISA)  *


Receiver Code (GS) *


"Bill To" Code and Type (N1)   **              

This option allows the vendor to use a "Bill To" an address that is different than the "Ship To" address.

"Ship To" Code and Type (N1)


Vendor Code and Type (N1)      



Backorder Out-Of-Stock Items (CSH)  **    

The default setting is Unspecified in all cases.

This drop-down option allows you to indicate whether or not the vendor should automatically process order items that are currently out of stock.  

The drop-down options are Yes, No, and Unspecified.   

Select Yes to have items that are out of stock automatically ordered.  Select No to NOT have out-of-stock items automatically ordered.  

If the Unspecified option is used the decision to order out-of-stock items is up to the individual vendor's policy.


For Brodart Use Only:  Prepend Code / Append Code

These fields apply only when configuring the X12 Purchase Order Settings for Brodart.  

These settings should not be used when configuring other vendors.


Select the checkbox(es) for the information you want returned.



Select at least one.


Required: At least one (1) of these options must be selected.

Send Vendor Notes: For details, see: Add a Note to An Item.


When you are finished click the Save Vendor button, or return to Add, Update, Copy Vendors to continue making changes to this vendor.