Distribution Report Setup

The Distribution Report provides detailed information for each order that meets the search requirements.  Searches are limited by PO Number / Vendor, List ID, and Order Number.  The report can be sorted in ascending or descending order, by Title, ISBN, Order Number, Status, Arthur, Publisher, Vendor, Unit Price, and PO Number.



Users with the Order: Reports - Any Library and Order: Reports - Own Library permissions set in the Admin Order permissions group will see the Distribution Report option.

Users with the Order: Reports Configuration permission set in the Admin Order permissions group can customize the display of the various elements of the distribution reports.



Customize the Distribution Report

  1. Click the Admin link at the top of the OSA screen.  The Administration menu opens.

  2. Under the Reports heading, click Distribution Report Configuration.

  3. The Distribution Report Configuration dialog opens as shown below.



  1. Select the check box to the left of each report element that you want to have checked by default when the Distribution Report dialog opens.

  2. From the Primary Sort drop-down list select the information type you want to display as the Primary Sort default option when the Distribution Report dialog opens.  Then select Ascending or Descending from the drop-down list to the right of that for the displayed default sort order.  
    : Click the Reset Form button to clear your changes and return to the settings originally displayed in this session.

  3. From the Secondary Sort drop-down list, select the information type you want to display as the Secondary Sort default option when the Distribution Report dialog opens.  Then select Ascending or Descending from the drop-down list to the right of that for the displayed default sort order.

  1. When done making selections, click Save. You are advised Distribution Report Configuration settings have been saved.  Click OK.


See Distribution Report to generate a report, or return to normal operations.