User Management - User Search

The User Management-User Search dialog allows users with adequate permissions to search for individual users, or generate a list of all users from which any individual user's settings can be accessed to be updated, copied, or deleted, or to block the user.  Searches for individuals are performed by User ID or by the user's name.  This method also allows you to access the individual user's settings, to update, copy, or delete the user settings, or to block the user.  Individual searches can be further limited by: Assigned Library, Assigned Fund, Assigned Vendor, Account Status, and Review Level.



Search for an individual User, or All Users

  1. Log in to OSA with a Username granted adequate permissions to Maintain Users information.

  2. Click Admin and the Administration menu displays.

  3. Under Acquisitions Setup, click the Users link and the User Management - User Search dialog opens, as shown below.



  1. From the Search By drop-down select the desired option:

  1. To further limit the search as desired, select options from the following drop-down lists.


  1. To customize the display of the search results, from the Sort By drop-down select the desired sort type (Name, ID, Account Status), and then select whether the results should be displayed in Ascending or Descending order.

  2. Click the Search button.

  3. The User Search Results screen displays as shown below.



  1. For each search result the Action column contains Update User and Copy User options.