Simple and New Search

See Also: List Search, Advanced Searches, Search Results and Title Information Symbols


The Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA) Button Toolbar (as shown below) provides you with three search options when looking for titles to add to your selections list.






Perform a Simple Search


The Simple search performs an ISBN or Title search of all configured databases.

  1. In the Search box on the OSA Button toolbar, type a Title (or partial title) or ISBN and click the rotating red arrow button, as shown below.

  1. The search launches and a list of matches display.  

  2. Scroll down the results page and select those items you want to add to a list.  See Search Results to learn how to work with the search results.



Perform a New Search


The New Search option allows you to select the databases to be searched, and to limit the search using the options on the as a drop-down list.  Understanding the options available with the New Search option help you plan your search strategy and obtain consistent search results.


  1. Click the New Search button on the OSA Button toolbar.  The search dialog will display below the banner, as shown below.



  1. On the Look in list, select All Databases or select individual Database(s) from the list.  Multiple databases can be selected by pressing and holding the CTRL key down while clicking each database you want to search.  

Click the Preferences button to customize the displayed list of databases.  See My Database Preferences to learn how to use this option.

  1. In the Find box type the search term.  

  2. From the as a drop-down list select the appropriate option to limit the search. The options are: Title, Author, Subject, ISBN, LCCN, ISSN, UPC, Dewey Call, LC Call, Local Call, Music Number, GPO Number, SUDOC Number, Report Number.

  3. If desired, change the number of results to be shown on each results page by selecting a number from the Return xx per page drop-down list.

  4. When all settings are displayed as you want, click the Search button.

  5. The search launches and a list of matches displays.  

  6. Scroll down the results page and select those items you want to add to a list.  See Search Results to learn how to work with the list of titles for a database search result.



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