List Management Overview

Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA) provides several list management functions the Administrator can enable/disable.  The administrator can customize individual user logon permissions according to the skills and/or authority of the user, or as otherwise defined by library management for your local selection, review, approval, and ordering structure.


Add Items to a List Awaiting Review

You can add items to a list with a status of Awaiting Review Level X.  You must have a Review Level assigned to your user account that is equal to the X in the Awaiting Review Level X in the Status.  For example, if the list Status is Awaiting Review Level 2, to add items to that list you must be logged in as a user assigned a Review Level of 2.  To add items, locate the list on the Awaiting Review list of lists and select the Review option.  Then open the list from your My Review list of lists.  Add items to the list as you would normally, and then proceed appropriately.  You can Order the list, or submit to the next level of review, as appropriate.


See Also: List Status Definitions, List Management Options Overview and Options for Checked Items Overview


List Management functions for users assigned adequate permissions include:

With the necessary permissions, OSA users can also perform the following list functions.  Click a link below to view instructions for that function.  


 List Related Topics



 Other Available List Options



Where Are My Lists?  To view  Archived lists use the List Search tool.  See also: Archive a List.