Vendor Management Overview

The Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA) Vendor Management function provides system administrators, or users with the appropriate Administrative permissions, the ability to add, delete, update, or copy vendor configurations, which include contact information, and Electronic Data Interface (EDI) options for electronic ordering.  The table below provides access to Help topics where you can learn about the related functions.


Vendor Management Help Topics


To Add, Update, or Copy a Vendor - Learn how to add a new vendor, update or copy an existing vendor, and add a vendor to the Your Vendor drop-down list.

Learn about each section of the Vendor Configuration form.

Vendor Configuration - General Information

Vendor Configuration - Users

Vendor Configuration - Addresses

Vendor Configuration - EDI Control


Select a Vendor - Learn how to select a vendor for an individual item on a list, or for all items on a list.


Delete a Vendor - Learn how to delete a vendor from the list of vendors.



Access Vendor Management


  1. Click the Admin link on the Navigation Toolbar and the Administration Menu opens.

  2. Under Acquisitions Setup, click the Vendor option.

  3. The Vendor Management dialog opens, shown below.




  1. On the Vendor Configuration screen:
