Reports Menu

The Reports Menu provides access to the entire set of Online Selection & Acquisitions Reports.  To view instructions on creating specific reports, and to view examples of the reports, click the desired Report Name below.







The Invoice Report provides detailed information on the specified invoice, for the selected vendor.


Invoice Summary by Fund

The Invoice Summary by Fund Report provides detailed information on the specified invoice, for the selected vendor, broken down by Fund.


Special Charges and Credits

The Special Charges and Credits Report provides a listing of Special Charges and Credits that were applied to Invoices.  Details include, Invoice Date, Invoice ID, Vendor, Fund Name, Fund Code, Fund Fiscal Year and Amount.

The report can be limited by Charge / Credit type, date range, and Invoice Status.  You can also choose to only view the charge / credit type, and associated dollar amounts instead of the Invoice, Vendor, and Fund details.




Fund Summary

The Fund Summary Report provides users detailed fund information for the Funds configured in Online Selection & Acquisitions.


Fund History

The Fund History Report provides users detailed fund history information for the Funds configured in Online Selection & Acquisitions.


Running Fund Balance

The Running Fund Balance Report provides a detailed report for all or selected funds.  The report dialog provides options to generate a report including All funds or specific funds, specify a fund activity date range, and to sort the report listing by Fund Code or Fund Name, in Ascending or Descending order, by date.




Vendor Performance

The Vendor Performance Report provides detailed information on the following categories for each Vendor configured in your Acquisitions system.

Items Ordered, Units Ordered, Units Received, Fill Rate, Units Now Claimed, Units Canceled, Units Invoiced, Average Cost, and Average Discount.




Order History Report

The Order History Report provides detailed information for each order that meets the search requirements.  Searches are limited by Library, Fund, Status, or the date the Order Status was last modified.


Order History Report Setup

Customize the display of the various elements of the Order History report.


Distribution Report

The Distribution Report provides detailed distribution information for each order that meets the search requirements.


Distribution Report Setup

Customize the display of the various elements of the Distribution Report.





The Users Report generates a report on an individual user, or generates a report of all users.  The report displays the user's proper name, usernames, account statuses, review levels, assigned libraries, assigned funds, and assigned vendors.


Distribution Profiles

The Distribution Profiles Report provides a list of all configured Distribution Profiles for the library system.