Fiscal Year Rollover Overview

Fiscal Year Rollover is an end-of-fiscal-year operation that provides users with a way to migrate from old year to new year funds.  This operation will be accomplished with the Fiscal Year Management Wizard, which is launched from the Fiscal Year Maintenance section (as shown below) on the Administration menu.


There are several options available in wizard process, but they all have these attributes in common:

* Closing a fund sets a flag for the fund that will prevent users from encumbering from that fund.  A closed fund cannot be associated with any item in a selection list (status of Constructing or Denied) so the fund will no longer appear as a choice in the drop-down controls for the distribution information on the Item Details page or in the Distribution Profile setup.  Closed funds will continue to appear in the drop downs for the invoicing screens (in addition to open funds) until their encumbrances reach $0.00.



Access Fiscal Year Rollover Options

  1. While logged in to OSA, click the Admin link on the navigation links toolbar at the top.  The Administration menu opens.

  2. In the Fiscal Year Rollover section, click the desired option.


Click a link below to view the related Help topic for the selected subject.

Fiscal Year Rollover Wizard

Fiscal Year Rollover Wizard Help

Clone Funds to New Year

Edit or Finalize Initial Allocation

Close Funds